Office buiding in Oberforstbach
Typical industrial building from the 1990 [photo: db]
Object data
Heated area: 1420 m² offices and studios.
Insulation: moderate, insulated to 1982 standard.
Atmospheric 2-stage gas boiler rodiac 100kW, radiator heating system, 140 radiators, 2-circuits, no subsystems!, hot water boiler + permanent circulation.

South facing: car park with one-storey building [photo: db]
Work completed
- Heating requirement checked by envelope curve method: 105kW. Calculated from previous consumption: 85kW.
- Engineering energy-saving heating system: boiler, distribution, 1 pump, 3-fold cycle planned.
- Hydraulic balance calculated for all sub-systems and radiators, worked out in 2006.
- Rebuilding the controller to system
bajorath. Up to summer 2006 running with existing hydraulics, because of the need to replace the non-functional controller quickly.
Special features
- Consumption increasing in recent years due to non-functional controller.
- Permanently excessive temperatures in inflow between seasons resulted in thermostat valves sticking frequently.
- Tenants aware of extra charges.
Consumption data
Before re-engineering: 111.25 kWh/(m²*a)
Amount of savings calculated: 37.5%.
New data not yet available.
Climate-corrected consumption forecast to 2006