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Residential/Office building in Luxemburg

Residential/Office building in Luxemburg - Click to go back
Residential/Office building in Luxemburg [photo: LS]
Object data
Heated area: 495 m².
Appartment and offices
Measures taken
  1. Heating requirement calculated from previous consumption and checked by envelope curve method.
  2. Hydraulics re-engineered for use with bajorath control unit.
  3. Hydraulic balancing: radiators and underfloor heating.
  4. Planning/rebuilding bajorath control unit RB1
    (For the time being, operation with old-style hydraulics reduces savings potential.)

Special features
Contact to the environmentally aware owner through an article in c't about our heating website (Thanks to Mr Siering!). His heating controller was not working and the underfloor heating was not operating correctly. Consumption was too high in spite of a lot of additional heating by warm air exiting his computers.
Consumption data
Before re-engineering: 176.1 kWh/(m²*a)
Amount of savings calculated: 18%.
New data not yet available.
Climate-corrected consumption forecast to 2007

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Page written 5.2.2006, last update 16:36 1.6.2006, Donnerstag