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Multi-occupied residential house in Schleswig-Holstein

Multi-occupied residential house in Schleswig-Holstein
Multi-occupied residential house [Photo: JJ]
Object data
Heated area: 250 m².
Parties: 3.
Work completed
  1. Calculated heating requirement from previous consumption of the old boiler.
  2. Heating requirement calculated for the new boiler by applying envelope technique.
  3. Designed new heating system: gross calorific value boiler, distribution, pumps, expansion tank.
  4. Design of hot water system
  5. Design of controlling system

Special circumstances
After information and data research by the contractor the job was completed by email.
Consumption data
Before redesign: 22.24 Liter/(m²*a)
After redesign: no data yet.
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Page written 15.9.2003, last update 14:00 27.11.2003, Donnerstag